Sex Work in Relation to the Community

  • Sex work and BDSM origins
  • Sex workers’ contributions to our community
  • Stigmatization
    • How our practices affect sex workers 
    • What can we learn from sex workers
    • Outreach and allyship

While many individuals seek to separate sex work and BDSM, the history of them are intimately entwined. Rather than allowing the parts of our history that some are uncomfortable with to be erased, we should strive to understand and appreciate how their shared histories have led to where we are today, and how the two are still entwined. How does sex work contribute to our community? How do the practices of our community impact sex work? Why are both stigmatized, and what can we do about that, both in terms of individual and community work? I look forward to sharing with you my thoughts and experiences on these topics, and hearing your ideas.

Presenter: Charlie

Charlie Doll (he/it/xe) has been a member of the Salt Lake City Leather community since 2017. Charlie Doll is the 2022-2024 Rocky Mountain Person of Leather. He is a boi with varying interests, it most strongly identifies as a slave, a Bimbo, a pony, a sadomasochistic switch, and an age player.